# Install `terrad` `terrad` is the command-line interface and daemon that connects to Terra and enables you to interact with the Terra blockchain. Terra core is the official Golang reference implementation of the Terra node software. This guide is for developers who want to install `terrad` and interact with Terra core without running a full node. If you want to run a full node or join a network, visit [](../../../full-node/run-a-full-terra-node/README.md). ### Prerequisites - [Golang v1.16.1 - go1.17.1 linux/amd64](https://golang.org/doc/install) - Ensure your `GOPATH` and `GOBIN` environment variables are set up correctly. - Linux users: install [build-essential](http://linux-command.org/en/build-essential.html). :::{admonition} Terrad for Mac :class: danger If you are using a Mac, follow the [`terrad` Mac installation guide](./terrad-mac.md). ::: ## From binary The easiest way to install `terrad` and Terra core is by downloading a pre-built binary for your operating system. You can find the latest binaries on the [releases](https://github.com/terra-money/core/releases) page. If you have a Mac, follow the [Mac installation instructions](./terrad-mac.md). ## From source ### 1. Get the Terra core source code Use `git` to retrieve [Terra core](https://github.com/terra-money/core/), and checkout the `main` branch, which contains the latest stable release. If you are using LocalTerra or running a validator, use the `v0.x.x-oracle` tag. Otherwise, use the `v0.x.x` tag. ```bash git clone https://github.com/terra-money/core cd core git checkout [latest version] ``` **Example:** ```bash git clone https://github.com/terra-money/core cd core git checkout v0.5.6-oracle ``` ### 2. Build Terra core from source Build Terra core, and install the `terrad` executable to your `GOPATH` environment variable. ```bash make install ``` ### 3. Verify your Terra core installation Verify that Terra core is installed correctly. ```bash terrad version --long ``` The following example shows version information when Terra core is installed correctly: ```bash name: terra server_name: terrad client_name: terrad version: 0.3.0-24-g3684f77 commit: 3684f77faadf6cf200d18e15763316d5d9c5a496 build_tags: netgo,ledger go: go version go1.13.4 darwin/amd64 ``` ::: {tip} If the `terrad: command not found` error message is returned, confirm that the Go binary path is correctly configured by running the following command: ``` export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin ``` ::: ## Next steps With `terrad` installed, you can set up a local testing environment using [LocalTerra](../localterra/README.md). For more information on `terrad` commands and usage, see [](using-terrad.md).