# Terra Station Mobile App Terra Station Mobile is an application that enables users to interact with Terra Core. Terra Station Mobile allows users to: - Create wallets and send tokens - Get involved with staking by browsing through validator information and delegating Luna tokens. - Atomically swap currencies on the Terra network at the effective on-chain exchange rate - Use QRCodes for easy interactions when sending assets and recovering wallets ## URL Scheme Terra Station Mobile includes a custom [URL Scheme](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/defining-a-custom-url-scheme-for-your-app) that lets developers trigger different actions in the app. These URL handlers can be opened by scanning a QR code or opening the link directly. ### Send The send function allows a user to send a specified amount of funds to a recipient. This function can be used to accept payment for goods and other point-of-sale configurations. #### URL ``` terrastation://send/?payload=${base64 json} ``` #### Payload format | Key | Description | Required? | | ------- | --------------------------------------------- | --------- | | address | Terra address to send funds to | | | token | Native token denom or cw20 contract address | ✔️ | | amount | Amount of tokens in micro format | | | memo | Specific memo to include with the transaction | | #### Example **Payload:** ``` { "address": "terra1dcegyrekltswvyy0xy69ydgxn9x8x32zdtapd8", "token": "uusd", "amount": "250000", "memo": "Order #1122" } ``` **Base64 encoded payload:** ``` ewogICJhZGRyZXNzIjogInRlcnJhMWRjZWd5cmVrbHRzd3Z5eTB4eTY5eWRneG45eDh4MzJ6ZHRhcGQ4IiwKICAidG9rZW4iOiAidXVzZCIsCiAgImFtb3VudCI6ICIyNTAwMDAiLAogICJtZW1vIjogIk9yZGVyICMxMTIyIgp9 ``` **Full URL with encoded payload:** ``` terrastation://send/?payload=ewogICJhZGRyZXNzIjogInRlcnJhMWRjZWd5cmVrbHRzd3Z5eTB4eTY5eWRneG45eDh4MzJ6ZHRhcGQ4IiwKICAidG9rZW4iOiAidXVzZCIsCiAgImFtb3VudCI6ICIyNTAwMDAiLAogICJtZW1vIjogIk9yZGVyICMxMTIyIgp9 ``` **Full URL in QR code:** ![](/img/send_qrcode.png) **Find out more on [GitHub](https://github.com/terra-money/station-mobile/#app-scheme).**