# Mint, burn, or swap This guide is for advanced swap features in Terra Station. If this is your first time using Terra Station, follow the [Terra Station tutorial](download/terra-station-desktop.md). ## Swap coins 1. Open Terra Station and connect your wallet. Click **Swap** in the sidebar. 2. Navigate to the **Swap coins** section. On the left side, select a coin and input the amount you want to swap. 3. On the right side, select the coin you want to swap to. 4. Click **Next**. A new window will appear. 5. Confirm your transaction amounts and input your password. 6. Click **Swap** to complete your transaction. Congratulations, you've just swapped coins! ## Market swap The [market swap](../glossary.md#market-swap) feature of Terra Station allows users to access the mint/burn function of the Terra protocol. Users can mint Luna from burned Terra or vice versa. The market swap is also used for swaps between different Terra stablecoin denominations. 1. Open Terra Station and connect your wallet. Click **Swap** in the menu. 2. Enter the coin you want to burn on the left and the coin you want to mint on the right. 3. Above the coin selector on the right you will see options for Market and Terraswap. Click **Market**. 4. Click **Next**. 5. Enter your password and click **Swap**. To switch back to using Terraswap prices, select **Terraswap** instead of Market. Swap prices will vary.