
Create a wallet#

Use LCDClient.wallet() to create a Wallet from a Key.

import { LCDClient, MnemonicKey } from '@terra-money/terra.js';

const terra = new LCDClient({
  URL: 'https://lcd.terra.dev',
  chainId: 'columbus-5'

const mk = new MnemonicKey();
const wallet = terra.wallet(mk);

In the above example, a MnemonicKey was specified for the wallet, but any type of Key implementation can be used instead.


Getting account number and sequence#

A wallet is connected to the Terra blockchain and can poll the values of an account’s account number and sequence directly:

console.log(await wallet.accountNumber());
console.log(await wallet.sequence());

Creating transactions#

A wallet makes it easy to create a transaction by automatically fetching the account number and sequence from the blockchain. The fee parameter is optional – if you don’t include it, Terra.js will automatically use your LCD’s fee estimation settings to simulate the transaction within the node and include the resultant fee in your transaction.

const msgs = [ ... ]; // list of messages
const fee = Fee(...); // optional fee

const unsignedTx = await wallet.createTx({
  // fee, (optional)
  memo: 'this is optional'

You can then sign the transaction with the wallet’s key, which will create a StdTx which you can later broadcast:

const tx = wallet.key.signTx(unsignedTx);

You can also use the convenience function Wallet.createAndSignTx(), which automatically generates a signed transaction to be broadcast:

const tx = await wallet.createAndSignTx({
  memo: 'this is optional'